I came up with it during one of UI Challengesm, where I had to design a simple Unit Converter. During the research phase, I discovered that it shares a very similar keyboard with Calculator and Currency Coverter, so I decided to combine them and make it a one useful app.
Values/results, and memory can be transferred between all three sub-apps which makes it great for traveling, or even a daily use.
None of the sub-apps sacrifices any functionality comparing to separately functioning apps on market. In fact, I included all of the best features I like on various apps and made them easy to use.
Working with the app
TOP bar includes Menu, Navigation info and History of current app you are in
Swiping horizontaly through the keyboard moves you between apps
Sub-apps are seaprated by color schemes
Keyboards are adjusted to sub-app. I tried to keep most of the buttons at the same place for easy use.
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